3 questions about Email, ASP and SQL Server


Hi there

Q1. How many emails can I send at a time from my site hosted on your server? For example my site sends newsletters every week to registered users, then how many emails can I send them at a time. Say if I can send 5 emails/minute!?

Q2. Do you allow an ASP page to run as service. This page will not be visible to users but will do something at the backend at a specific time.

Q3. Can I send emails using SQL Server's stored procedure? For example if I use a mail component that your server allows to send mails using stored procedure. Is it possible?
1) There is no limit. But if your emails cause complaints, there are penalties under our AUP

2) Don't know what you mean. Are you talking about an ASP application (global.asa)?

3) Don't know what you mean there either. But yet, stored procedures are allowed
ASP page as a service

Although WineIsGood has answered it and I think that he is right but I believe I need to elaborate a little bit. May be it is allowed who knows!

ASP page running as a service means that the ASP page will not be visible to users but it will run at a specific time automatically to perform some action. This page installs just like other services are installed on Windows NT, Windows 2003 and Windows 2003.

For example I have an ASP page named DeleteOldUser.asp which I want to run automatically (users may not be able to view/run this page) after every 2 months to check if there are any users who have not logged in for the past 2 months so that there account can be deleted. This page will automatically run after every 2 months. (it's just an example there are several other ways by which we can achieve this task)

Sending mail using SQL Server

WineIsGood I cannot test it as I have not purchased hosting yet. Although I believe if the stored procedures are allowed then the mail through is also allowed. Yash it works in the same way as I described above that this SP will run automatically to perform the task of sending mails or anything else.

For example I want to send emails to all of my registered users on New Year then I could write a SP that will use the ASP mail component that your hosting allows. It will automatically pick up the email addresses and will send mail using that component on New Year.

I hope this clarifies. Thank you both of you Yash and WineIsGood for your quick and timely response.
Running scripts as a service is a security risk. Although a nice feature, it would only be allowed if you owned the machine.
Running xp_sendmail SP from the SQL server will send mail on behalf of the SQL server account, possibly Administrator on the local domain. If you want to use CDONTS or CDOSYS to send SMTP mail on behalf of anyone, you need to write the script yourself in ASP. It has nothing to do with SQL.