301 Permanent Redirect


Is it possible to do a 301 permanent redirect through the CP. What I want to do is redirect example.com to www.example.com, right now they point to the same content. There are some SEO suggestions that the search engines will see the sites as duplicated content.
VividWeb said:
That will only redirect a www.example.com/page.asp to xxx.example.com. I want to redirect example.com to www.example.com. I know it can be done in IIS, but just not sure how to do it using Hsphere or if it is even possible.

This is on a windows account.
You can do this with ASP and VBScript if you wish. You need to include the following on every page (say in a header or perhaps SSI):

if instr(request.servervariables("http_host"),"www.domain.com") > 0 then response.redirect "http://domain.com" & request.servervariables("url") & "?" & request.servervariables("query_string")
I know that it can be done with VBScript to simulate a server redirect. Just trying to avoid it and do it proper with the server.
I could set this up on special request basis, that being said, if you ever set anything on error redirects from HSphere in the future it would break the change I make, I would need more details to work this request, you can send via PM.

I will do this the first time, but please beware that we can not be doing this monthly if hsphere resets it regularly.