All Sites Down on Reseller Account

Hey folks,

Sorry to clog up the message boards but I can't seem to log in to the Cerberus Helpdesk today in order to create a ticket.

Anyways, every site I have on the IP address (about 5 or so of them) is down. I'm getting an error 500 - internal server error on each domain I check.

Any idea what's going on or how long I should expect these to be down? My phone is ringing like crazy which is never fun on a Sunday night ;-).

The gentleman on Live Chat was able to help me get the affected sites running. I'm now experiencing some strange errors on these sites but I've opened a ticket to deal with that.

There was an issue I know of with integrated/classic mode app pools, that may be what was experienced here. We had to switch some clients around that had issues in one but not the other. If you continue to have an issue with that we'll swap you around to a smaller pool if you like just make sure you are settled on your version as it will be locked in.