Allow directory browsing on subfolders

Is it possible to allow users to browse a particular subfolder but not every folder in the site? I have security on the directory but all I seem to be able to do with that is allow or disallow access.

I am on a windows hosted machine.

Hmm, from IIS itself it's possible, but it's likely that such settings will be lost should a server restore ever be required, assuming JodoHost help you change the setting in the first place :)
Depending on it's purpose, it might be better to install some sort of script that lists the files in that particular directory. There should be some pre-made scripts around, though it's very easy to write. That way you also have some control over the layout in which the files are listed :)
Subspace is correct there. Please create a ticket and see if the Windows team can help you in this, unless you wish to go the custom script way.