Am I foolish to use AspPing?

AspPing seems to return nothing but null strings. I have verified that the object was created because I can set and read the RemoteHost property. But when I ping, the result is null. Does anyone have any experience with this?

ServerObjects offers no support for this component and I have read similar complaints on other BBs.

Here is usage example:
function pingit(host)
rem ***********************************************************
rem * Create temporary variable
rem ***********************************************************
dim ping1

rem ***********************************************************
rem * Create the object
rem ***********************************************************
Set Pinger = Server.CreateObject("AspPing.Conn")

rem ***********************************************************
rem * Set the host we'll be pinging
rem ***********************************************************
Pinger.RemoteHost = host
'Pinger.RemoteHost = ""
Response.Write "Pinging: " & Pinger.RemoteHost & "<br>"

rem ***********************************************************
rem * Optional count for number of times to ping remotehost
rem * defaults to 1
rem ***********************************************************
Pinger.PingCount = 2

rem ***********************************************************
rem * Ping and then set the results
rem ***********************************************************
ping1 = Pinger.Ping
Response.Write "Ping Test: <pre>" & ping1 & "</pre>"

rem ***********************************************************
rem * Release the object
rem ***********************************************************
Set Pinger = nothing

rem ***********************************************************
rem * Set the return value and leave
rem ***********************************************************
pingit = ping1
end function
I don't know of anyone actually using AspPing, one of the few objects like that here.

I just looked for comments on it and about all I can find is that it doesn't work right.

Maybe it was hardcoded for nt4 type system and isn't working in more current OSes, but not causing problems either?
So... what should I do? I sure would like to test for existence of domain name. How do those who check for domain do this?
Thanks so much. I am sure this will help.
Have you seen my question about SSI?
Probably something very simple that I'm doing wrong. But until you know what that is, it can be very frustrating.
I have seen it but did not know, I thought you were on unix with that, is it windows?
Yes it is windows. Is this featuer only applicable to a unix acct? (is it the same with any cgi/bin?) Or can these things be mixed?
CGI/Perl work on windows, but I don't think there is any SSI(at least from the control panel) option on windows, most people just use ASP includes, but I will check and verify for you.
if you have CGI/PERL installed then SSI should work - most of the time you'll have to make sure that the files calling the SSI need to be named something like SHTML...but most of the time like you siad - people just namethe file ASP and use an ASP Include instead...I KNOW that works...