Any Typo 3 installations?


Can I ask if anyone has done any Typo 3 installation - either on Linux or Windows? I would like to do a test installation to try out the features - however after using a Windows installer on desktop which was easy I was quite surprised when realised how different manual installation is - and it requires knowledge of specifics of the installation...
to be honest, I do not think it is rocket science... but I did read that it wiwll not work with the standard php.ini at 8mb

Once I saw that and remembered the difficulties of SugarCRM... I thought I'd turn to the forums...

Thanks Stephen... and good luck!
Well, I tried an automated Win installer from Sourceforge, which worked perfectly. However, this is only suitable for a desktop installation - installs all components without a flaw on a win XP Pro desktop incl. Apache, MySQL, php, and more (with IIS already running). No problems there. Having said that - I would perhaps prefer to run it on a Linux server, but the installation there involves so much ... - creating symlinks, configuring permissions, and more...! IF there was an easier way to install it, or if we could maybe get some guidance which package would suit which server - there are Debian versions, plain "Linux" versions, WAMP, LAMP, etc - too complicated. It also requires a few components to optimise graphics, which might not be possible to install on shared servers.
My other option is Joomla, which is easier to install, but I saw more potential in Typo3 in terms of features and scalability. Pity it has a steep learning curve.
one nice thing about the PHP on windows is that it can dynamically add the needed extensions on a per domain basis and we don't have to fill all the server memory loading it for all people even if they don't use them.