


When will JODO support ASP.NET AJAX? It's becoming pretty common and it is a shame we cannot use it.
It is not supported now, and will not be until RELEASED.

There have already been developers complaining about the namespaces changing in the last two releases, the last thing we need is beta/rc software that is changing, then we upgrade and get blamed for breaking people sites.
bakyelli, there's nothing stopping you from using established AJAX techniques in javascript. Do some research and you'll find that implementing it in .NET is the same as with any other language.

There's no need to wait for MS's "official" AJAX implementation. Forget them and do it the old fashioned way - improvise! :) Using AJAX really hasn't got anything to do with Jodo anyway. It's a client-side/XML solution. The basic idea was around even before XML came along.
ASP.Net AJAX is MUCH more than client-server callbacks. It supports animation and other capabilties. It wouldn't make sense to rewrite all of that in Javascript when those libraries simplify the task. The sooner we can get access to the new AJAX release, the better.
It wont be done until it goes final. (just FYI) they keep changing namespaces etc in beta to RCs.
If the functionality you're after is just a javascript library, what's stopping you from using it? Why does it matter what's on the server?
Yes, MS implementation is annoying, every release everything seems to change, I'd prefer jodo wait for final as well.
My other New Years Resolution is to not be so dim. So - I'm waiting for the official MS release as Javascript/XML is just way too complicated for someone with the brain the size of a goldfish - ie me!