Authenticated Cdo problem

I was successfully sending authenticated mail via Cdosys, but something odd is up and I hope someone may have had the same problem and can advise.

I can send with the from property set to basically any account, but can only send to a email address that exists in the email account on the mail server.
'NOTE I have tried cdoBasic, 0,1,2 in the authentication string

'Create the e-mail server object
Set CDOSYSMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set CDOSYSCon = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

'Out going SMTP server

CDOSYSCon.Fields("") = "mail.MYDOMAIN"
CDOSYSCon.Fields("") = 25
CDOSYSCon.Fields("") = 2
CDOSYSCon.Fields("") = 60
CDOSYSCon.Fields("") = 0

'Set key properties
Set CDOSYSMail.Configuration = CDOSYSCon
CDOSYSMail.From = "[email protected]"
CDOSYSMail.Subject = "This Message Subject"
CDOSYSMail.HtmlBody = htmlmail 'msg created earlier on page
'Close the server mail object

Set CDOSYSMail = Nothing
Set CDOSYSCon = Nothing

If anyone could shed some light I'd really appreciate it. I thought the authentification would be regulating the mail from rather than mail to...

will do, thanks.
Unfortunately the first document is providing the basic syntax for sending mail with cdosys, except it is using anonymus authenication. I have tried using the value 1, along with cdoBasic , both I think are the trigers for basic smtp validation in the authenticate string. The second page mentions that the email could be garbled or not a valid email, but I have tested both over and over. The script was working till about 10-12 hours ago ad still runs when mailing to a local address, yet the from address can be anything, probably due to the valid validations. I found this one which talks about server rejection and smtp server settings
Have issued a ticket: 48952
We have actually blocked mass-mailing on the mail server. We are going to be asking customers to fax us signed acknowledgments that they won't spam before we remove restrictions for them.

I'll be making an announcement shortly

Level3's abuse department were threatening to shut down our entire IP subnet (which the mail server IP belonged to) if we didn't act.
Hi Yash,
I have tried to contact you off the forum. Could you clear a message so that you could receive my correspondence. I am not looking to spam, I just want to post a form.

what affects will this have on resellers.

i mean are we going to have to fax you to say yes we as a reseller will not spam , and will we also be responseable for our clients.

obveriasslly if there was a spam attack we would act o the client and terminate the contract with them (if its not accedental)

ie set a loop by accident.

If you want to give permission to your customers to mass-mail, you must sign the forms as well and then whatever verification you ask from your customer would be your domain and we wouldn't interfere

If we do receive spam complaints, we would remove massmailing permissions for the domains involved and we'd notify you so you could take care of the issue with your customer

We do not deal with your end-users and do not recognise them according to our TOS and our stated policies

This new policy is however probably the best mail policy we have implemented so far and would prevent us from going onto any blacklists as it would proactively prevent spam instead of us having to respond to spam complaints after the spamming has taken place
Level3 is our upstream ISP provider that owns alot of the IPs we use.

We have a good working relationship with all our providers, so you never need to worry. If you put yourself in Level3's shoes, they must be aggressive to prevent their IPs ending up on blacklists and hence they put pressure on the service providers to do the same.

Interesting thing is all the recent complaints we were getting were from AOL. It seems some people configured their email accounts to forward to AOL and all the spam coming into their jodohost email accounts were being routed via our mail server to their AOL accounts. AOL flagged this as spam and started complaining to level3.

We are not new to abuse complaints, receive alot of them, 3 or 4 every day just for spamming. We received a call from the FBI regarding a site hosted on Win7 this morning, another issue to deal with :( Not too long ago, the NSA had called regarding a terrorist site on Win6 which we had gotten rid of almost immediately after giving them customer details. Apparantely the leader of that group was in Federal prison

We act on complaints quickly, but I do get terribly annoyed dealing with them :) Have to always be on our toes to deal with abuse issues