AWStats archive problem still exists


Someone (Stephen?) was going to look into the problem of the HUGE archive file generated by AWStats. It was promised at least twice that it would be looked into, but I've not heard anything back, and I still have the problem. I have been trying to keep on top of deleting this archive file, but have been busy for the past week or so and neglected to FTP to the site and delete the file. It just keeps growing and growing until it fills all remaining space in my 400 MB disk quota and my site stops working because there is no more room. My site was down tonight because the file had grown to 271 MB. I don't know how long it was down because I was away all day and evening. As soon as I deleted the file the site could function again. This is the second time it's filled my disk space and killed my site.

I seem to be the only one who complains about this problem. Can't understand why it's not a problem for anyone else. Regardless, I would like to be able to disable this archive option, if possible, as it seems to be of no value that I can see other than taking up valuable space. Either that or disable AWstats, which I'd rather not do as it provides valuable information. Is there some way to automate a file delete on this file? I don't think I can schedule a script to run on the server, can I? Is there something JodoHost can do at their end?

As far as I can see, it looks like my site was down approximately 7 to 8 hours. Very annoying. My own fault for not staying on top of the file deletion thing, but it's stupid that I have to keep deleting this file in the first place.
Hello Dave
I am very sorry about the problem. It has been reported to us by other customers as well and we are looking into it. We have passed this onto PSOFT as well.

If AwStats is creating a problem, I recommend you use Webalizer instead till we resolve this
Well, at least not I know I can delete the file without problems then 8)

I would still like this solved of course, before I enable AWStats on busier sites than the current one..