Better email password security


Hsphere does not allow email account passwords with characters other than letters or numbers and greater than 12 characters. With all the hacking going on in the world, it's dumb, borderline irresponsible, to not allow more complex passwords. I know it's possible from the server side to change the password validation in hsphere to allow more characters...why hasn't Jodohost done this? Out of all the security measures put in place, this seems like it should be a basic one. It doesn't need to require more complex passwords, but should definitely allow them.
It is Hpshere that doesn't allow.

A better measure would be to set one with letters and numbers 10-12 char, and use SSL STARTTLS security on the connection :)
I know the control panel doesn't currently allow it, but the password validation requirements can be changed by changing the yafv form validation regex/constraints.