Blackberry Email Problems


Is anyone else having issues with blackberry pulling emails from a Jodohost hosted email account? I am having a problem with one email address that will not send or receive emails. I have other people under the same domain that are having no issues and I also have another domain that is working fine with the same blackberry device.
The email is hosted with Jodo and I am using BIS (the lovely web app) through my phone provider (Telus in Canada)
I don't think this is a Jodohost issue, just trying to see if any other people have had any similar problems. I have had the email address working for the last 7 months, but over the weekend it just stopped working. Has Jodohost changed anything to the email server that may cause problems? What port does IMAP use?
No, it's a Jodohost problem. I figured out the problem and a workaround until the problem is fixed.

The problem

On your DNS screen you will most likely see that the mail server has a cname set to something like

BUT if you do an nslookup of like this

nslookup -type=MX

you will find that the mail address is something like

There seems to be an issue with the DNS for mail servers at the moment. But if I know Jodohost support, the problem will be solved within minutes of you opening a support ticket

That is not a problem, that is the anti spam is not a problem. An MX record is incoming mail server, NOT a server that you check with imap/pop or send with smtp.
Why has Jodohost decided to block Blackberry IMAP access?
Vivid, all I know is that their servers were keeping 100's of connections open causing many webmail problems. There was a large IP range blocked because once it opened connections, they never closed, turns out that IP range was RIM.
I find it strange that there isn't any other information about this out there. Talking with a few other RIM users, has shown that no one else is having this issue. It may be early and some just haven't caught on.
I find it strange that there isn't any other information about this out there. Talking with a few other RIM users, has shown that no one else is having this issue. It may be early and some just haven't caught on.
or maybe it is only some of their server acting up and causing such problems? Possibly different versions, maybe even running some beta in their network or something.