Can't use SqlYog to manage MySql database


I used to use SQLYog for connecting and managing MySql databases. After switching to Jodohost I can't use it anymore - can't connect to Jodo's mysql servers.
I can do it with other hosts but not with Jodo.

Can anybody tell me if they allow using PhpMyAdmin only?

I have a commercial SQLYog license and use it to managed MYSQL at times, it imports SQL perfectly for me.
Thanks Dave,
I used information from my control panel.
I have entered:
MySql host address: mysql3.m****
User Name: myaccount_dbname
Passw: my_password
port: 3306
Stephen said:
I have a commercial SQLYog license and use it to managed MYSQL at times, it imports SQL perfectly for me.
Hi Stephen,
I have a commercial license also.
As I have mentioned I can use SQLYog with another hosting company.
Would you check my settings in the previous post, please.