I'm a ASP / ASP.Net Web Developer but I am interested in the capability PHP gives you so I've started learning PHP. I really want to continue using MSSQL Database with my scripts is this possible do u have the extensions installed with the value package that allows u to connect to MSSQL?
Also as part of my project I want to be able to check if a server is up by using fsockopen(); to check for a server status. I already have a script that will work, but is sockets enabled as part of the jodohost value package?
The package in question is a Windows Hosting Value Package.
Please advise...
I'm a ASP / ASP.Net Web Developer but I am interested in the capability PHP gives you so I've started learning PHP. I really want to continue using MSSQL Database with my scripts is this possible do u have the extensions installed with the value package that allows u to connect to MSSQL?
Also as part of my project I want to be able to check if a server is up by using fsockopen(); to check for a server status. I already have a script that will work, but is sockets enabled as part of the jodohost value package?
The package in question is a Windows Hosting Value Package.
Please advise...