CDO error


I changed my forum (WWF) to CDO due to problems with CDONTS, and now I'm getting this error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'
The transport failed to connect to the server.

What causes this error? I presume the code in WWF is well-tested by now and so should function properly. Is this a problem on the server?
Thanks... I responded in another thread that I would retry CDO on my forum again. Hopefully whatever the fix was is a permanent fix (as permanent as these things can be anyway).

I'll put a ticket in if I run into the problem again.

Just confirming that CDO is working again and delivers the e-mail in less than 10 seconds.
I am getting the exact same error generated with CDO. I put in a ticket, but I hope this isn't going to be a problem that continues to crop up. I don't know if the CDONTS problem has been fixed or not, but I have to revert my forum back to that so it doesn't choke after every post.
When I discovered the problem I immediately changed to CDONTS, which corrected the problem. The ticket response I got was very vague and did not indicate anything was fixed, but that it was working. If the SMTP server was down, I think that would also have affected CDONTS. But maybe it was a coincidence that I changed from CDO to CDONTS at the same time the SMTP service was restarted.
My internet is finally back up any running after a period of being out yet again, is this error still occuring with anyone? I do not believe it should as last I checked the server everything seemed fine.
Dave we are looking into this.

On a diffferent note, Stephen works from US. In our offices here in New Delhi, from where we monitor our servers on 24 hr basis, we have internet connection from 3 different providers. We also have 12 hr of UPS backup and a Generator in case of power failure.