Cerberus helpdesk Install?

A while ago I tried to get Cerberus working, but was unable to.
Does anybody have it working on a linux setup here?

Yash, a while ago you sed that we cud use your unlimited license. Is there any way you could spare me some time to just point out what bits we need to install, and where to, and which bits u need to install etc. Like a short install guide or something. The cerberus ones are rubbish, all based on shell access.

Thanks to anybody that can help.
I installed successfully on Windows, using a scheduled task off my computer.

I also am waiting for Yash to respond to my hmm month+ old email.
Any update on this?

Can anybody help with an install on this, information on the web is lacking for people without shell on hsphere.

It's simple, if you are on Windows, follow the steps to install it.

Than once it is installed, do not choose the Piping method, instead select the POP method and fill in the info for your email account.

Than go to Schedueled tasks on your WinXP (can't remember where that is exactly) and create a schedueled task which looks like this.

cerberus-2.592.win32.noconsole.exe config.xml FATAL log.txt

Run it at any interval you wish.

For linux you should setup the cron job, but I have never tried it so I can't tell you.

By the way, you won't be able to use Mail Piping with ssh access.