Convert ToUpper


Mike Bailey

I?m using Access 2003 I building a data base as a School project I have completed all the requirements. I want to tweak it out some.

I have a table called tblCourse in that table I have a PK field called CourseID this is not a auto number field because the courses have unique course id?s like CSI 101 so the data type for that field is text.

What I want to do is convert any text that is entered into that field to all caps and put a space after the 3rd letter to insure the correct format like this(CSI 101) and not(csi101)
I have already formatted the field to allow 7 characters now what do I do?

I was thinking maybe lostFocus ?(

Thanks for any help
Mike Bailey

With a good teacher this old Dog can learn new tricks. :D
To start, you can enter an input mask in the table design for the field.

LLL" "000

As for making it uppercase, it depends on how you enterting the code.