Creating a Windows Cluster



I am thinking of creating a cluster using 2 WinVPS, is this a good idea?

I whant a solution that will serv websites and if 1 VPS is down the other continues to deliver the sites.

I understand that this is only possible with windows 2003 enterprise, is that the version that comes with the winvps ?

If i get 2 accounts, one on eache VPS server is it possible to "share" the same IP or create a virtual IP so that the sites continue to operate even if 1 VPS is down?

Can i create a DFS with the VPS so that the 2 VPS share the same space and have it always updated in case of a failure on one?

Is it possible to do with a VPS that is hosted on jodo and another on another network?

That is a lot of questions :)
