Data Recovery Utility?


I'm now the "IT Manager" for our small company. I have a user who's laptop blue screened; he plugged the drive into another machine and found that the C: partition is corrupted.

Does anyone have any experience with any data recovery utilities? The system is Windows XP, so it has to handle NTFS. If not a utility, maybe a service?
I've had success with iRecover. It's read-only, it doesn't attempt to repair anything. It reads the files and writes to another disk. I think I wrote to a usb drive.

Of course your chance of success depends on how bad the corruption is. iRecover is $79.95 but there is a free download which does the reading but not the writing so you can determine if it is likely to be successful or not before you buy it.

Good luck
I used some tools from ontrack before, worked alright.
There are some decent tools available for free as well.
I once was able to reconstruct a little RAID with some linux recovery tools but it took aout 48 hours of processing! By the time it was done we'd already restored in other means.