KCWebMonkey said:
We finally made public a beta release of our site devjunkies.com.
A few of us (from webwizguide.info forums) decided to get together and make a development site, and it's been real fun working on this and shaping it into what it is now.
i know we still have a long way to go, but here is what we have for now...
Got a couple of issues with the site, I'll try not to let my complete dislike of .NET cloud my thinking tho
Actually here are a few bullets that I see as I'm browsing the site... using MSIE on a 1024x768
- The menu system on the left has some inconsistencies. If you are going to use a right-aligned graphic that has the entire cell as an active link then the least you can do is right align the menu items within the drop down after you select a "header". Especially with the default font being used for the text links under the graphical menu items, I missed some items when I first used the menu.
- Even though your first menu item on the left is for home, link your logo to the home page, that's a given.
- The text for "Expert Articles" is difficult to read, especially that small. Also, why are those "tabs" up there when the rest of your content is in the left-hand menu?
- You've got that 3x3 dot graphic all over the place but it's inconsistent, especially when you have the menu right next to the page title. I would suggest taking the menu graphics and left-aligning the text and moving the dots to the left, that's where you have them in relationshipt to the text everywhere else.
- On the front page, you need more gutter space between the two content columns in the white box.
- Also on the front page, you've got your "recent forum posts", however since you don't have a lot of forum activity, the same "search before you post" message is there quite a few times. Additionally, you're cutting off words, probably because you're just doing a left trim of the first 100 characters or so. Your ASP.NET feed is providing more than that so you can afford to add some more characters to that. While you're there, add in a check to expand to the next whitespace character, it'll look a lot more professional.
- On your article listing page (such as
http://www.devjunkies.com/?name=art&t=t;14 ) you're displaying 3 articles per screen. That's good for my display, however your google ads on the left go farther than that... not a real "impressive" display when your ad provides more content than your articles on a page.
That should be enough to keep ya busy for a while! It looks like a good start and once things get up and going it'll be something that I add to my bookmark, for the SQL if nothing else.