Dissatisfied with ticket support


I'm having gigantic trouble because ticket recent ticket support has:
1) given me the wrong advice (trouble ticket ID 767) and
2) did not resolve the problem stemming from this advice (tt-ids 829 and 834).
3) response has been very slow compared to this forum, while response should be better or equal if you want to avoid using the forum as a trouble ticket centre (which it gradually is becoming)

The key problem is that on jodohost's advice (following my ticket asking how to avoid any "down-time",) I changed the DNS entry from the old host provider to jodohost. Aliases were made to the subdomain which hosts the new site. I now just get an error blank page. So again, the advice was not right and no resolution offered.

Support miraculously has become very quick just five minutes after this post, and resolved at least the site availability for one domain alias. I will withdraw my comment if this level of support can be maintained. I read in another thread that you were having a great party in India and that this was the main reason for slow ticket responses. While I sincerely hope that you'd fun, I believe that customer support should have remained at a high level, or an explanation prior to the festival of possible delays in support should have been given. I would then have delayed changing over servers.

The fast response on the second occasion had nothing to do with your forum posting. You will always receive a faster response on the ticket system.
We believed that this was a propogation issue all the while. When you complained the second time we checked the DNS zone files on our dns servers, we found they had not properly been created. Our unix administrator corrected that and you received a response immediately