DNN SMTP Authentication

I'm using DNN 4 (Litehost) and having trouble enabling SMTP Authentication for the DNN installation...cannot send emails from the application. Any DNN users out there that have figured this out?
There is an option to do SMTP Auth there in DNN it is a bit hidden but it is there. I have set it up for a few users. I believe you need to login to the host portal, then go to the settings there and you will have the options for SMTP server, username/password after putting it in here it will function.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have attempted to enable SMTP Authentication via the Host section. I need to enter the (1) SMTP Server name, (2) SMTP Authentication (radio buttons...(Anonymous, Basic, or NTLM), (3) SMTP Username, and (4) SMTP Password.

I'm assuming (1) my mail server, (2) basic authentication, (3&4) webmaster email account...but have not been successful. I am wondering if I need to force Port 587 somehow. Any assistance appreciated...
ok you want smtp server, mail.domain.com (unless it is the service domain it may need mail6.domain.com)

SMTP Auth, Basic

SMTP username, full address in form of [email protected]
SMTP Password, the one assigned to the username above.

Also if using "webmaster" account I believe the password is the same as your control panel login, you may want to make another email address just for sending mail from DNN to ensure you can control the password there.
DNN reports that it sent the messages but only emails sent to recipients having my domain name ([email protected], [email protected], etc..) reach the recipient. Bellsouth nor Gmail accounts recieve the emails.

Also, setting the server to Mail.mydomain.com fails to send any emails...but Mail.6 does send to Mydomain.com recipients. Any idea why these emails are getting through?
Settings for me are:
SMTP Server: MAIL.<domain>.com
SMTP Auth: basic
SMTP Username/Password - those of a new user I set up in HSPHERE and set to discard all incoming email

No issues with sending.
Thanks George. I created a new email account with settings like yours...and now DNN sends. One of those scenarios where I don't bother trying to understand why...that it works is good enough.