Domain physical path


Hi there

I am in the process of setting up a forum, and need to edit the web.config file to indicate the two properties below:-

<!-- Fully qualified URL to the forums skin directory -->
<add key="InstantForum_SkinURL" value=""/>

<!-- Full physical path to the forum skins directory on your server -->
<add key="InstantForum_SkinPath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\instantforum34\skins\"/>

Obviously I have answered the first one, but what would my physical path be?

Thanks in advance

Brian Candy
anyways, it's recommended to use a command to get the path in case your site is moved. in Classic ASP this is done with Server.MapPath(). I'm not sure how it's done with .Net though
bcandy said:
Hi there
<!-- Full physical path to the forum skins directory on your server -->
<add key="InstantForum_SkinPath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\instantforum34\skins\"/>

Obviously I have answered the first one, but what would my physical path be?

Use any of these (C#):



Server.MapPath ( "/forum/skins" )