DotNEtNuke 4 or highter in future...


Ok you can now install DotNetNuke 4 or hig without techinical support on jodo host.
A) Install DotNetNuke 3
B) Download DotNetNuke Upgrade 4 for offical site
C) Overwrite the existing files ...
D) Insert data in web.config
E) Go on site ... :)

You can get error on upgrade database to version 4.4.0 because on default database on jodohost is case insensitiv collation but on script to instal use case sensitive decleration.

But work..
I'm not sure why you would install DNN 3 and then upgrade to 4 when you can install DNN 4 directly.

I believe you still need to get JodoHost to set permissions on the web directory and dbo permissions on the database. They've always known exactly what I mean when I've asked for DNN permissions for a domain and database.

DNN now has an install wizard so you don't have to directly edit web.config. Last time I looked, that was not well documented at

To install DNN on JodoHost:

1) Create database.

2) Raise ticket requesting necessary DNN permissions on web folder and database.

3) Get the zip file. I use the wget function in the web shell file manager which is kind of cool. To get the url, go through the motions of downloading it yourself starting at (or now ) and at the last step, copy the SourceForge download link.

4) Unzip using web shell. That's much quicker than uploading individual files.

5) Access the site. That should start the install wizard which will prompt you for database login info etc. The wizard writes to web.config. At the end of that you should have a working DNN.
Yes DotNEtNuke have autoinstall. Work perfect but ... When I tray on JodoHost autoinstall not work. Crash on upgrade database to 4.4.0 (Case sensitive probelem) display error and wait wait wait.See my ticket on suport system.