DotNetNuke, timezone and website speed


Hello All,
Just am online for a couple of weeks now with our dotnetnuke website.
Have some questions, maybe someone has an idea or answer:

1. I use dotnetnuke. Installed in / I have in the / a index.html which does a redirect to /DotNetNuke. Is there another way to do this? Best way I can imagine is that I can change the root folder for the domain in IIS, but did not find an option for this yet.

2. DotNetNuke 2.1.2 (latest official release) does not support time-zones. As our site is purely dedicated to Dutch (Netherlands) users, the time is always 6 hours behind. (We use GMT+1 timezone). Is there an option to change time for my shared hosting package only? Or does jodohost operate a Windows server with Western-Europe timezone?

3. The speed of our DotNetNuke site is not to good. Main reason I think is the initial MSSQL db-query when the db is swapped out. But also transfer of large images for example is not very fast. Speed varies from 100kbit/sec to 400kbit/sec, also with ftp, but nowadays I expect at least an average of 1000kbit/sec from a shared webhosting package. Do I expect too much?

Thanks for your ideas and opinion about it. :)
I will only try to answer one part of your question regarding the speed of your site.

In the dotnuke sql server config file did you enter the dns name of the sql server or did you put in the IP address of the server. I've noticed through my own experience here at jodo that when you use the IP the site response is almost instant as compared to using the DNS name of the sql server.

"hope someone answers the rest for you I only know about this part"
jpveen said:
2. DotNetNuke 2.1.2 (latest official release) does not support time-zones. As our site is purely dedicated to Dutch (Netherlands) users, the time is always 6 hours behind. (We use GMT+1 timezone). Is there an option to change time for my shared hosting package only? Or does jodohost operate a Windows server with Western-Europe timezone?
I don't see how... The best you can do is urge the author to support timezones other than the actual server time. In the meantime it might be possible to hack such a change in, but I've never tried DotNetNuke..

Installing an application in your website's base directory should be no different from installing it into a subdirectory.

As for server speed.. I'm also from the Netherlands and I'm getting similar speeds at the moment, 16 - 50 kB/s. Currently it seems rather stable at 20 kB/s for a HTTP (non-script) file transfer (tried both Win5 and the first Linux server). That's indeed somewhat disappointing, but.. My ISP (Wanadoo) isn't exactly known for their good connection to the USA: For one thing, there's some crappy routing going on (Amsterdam, to Frankfurt on OpenTransit, to London on OpenTransit, then onto Level3 while there should be a Level3 exchange in Amsterdam heading directly to London). Apart from the somewhat high latency because of that, their bandwidth to the USA is also just very low.

Therefore, I took the liberty of abusing Surfnet (the Dutch university network) a bit to check the actual speeds. I got speeds ranging from 180 kB/s up to 350 kB/s, which is pretty decent from halfway across the planet ;)
We get quite some good speeds from India with latency aat 250ms.

I know that you do get good speeds from the UK, not sure about the netherlands.

It really depends on your ISP, how much bandwidth capacity you have with them and how much they have with the transit route and how your connection is routed

Those customers who have longer transit routes might shorten when InterNap goes active

There is nothing on the server or our network that reduces or throttles speed.. We are linked up to serve upto 1gbps if we have to.

I do have alot of customers who actually complement us for much faster server speeds. We do have really powerful servers and do have very good tier-1 providers compared to many hosts
We serve about 10mbps during low-activity periods with it hitting upto 50 or 60mbps at times during high-activity periods. That's well below what we can handle
Dor the speed issue, I don't blame my ISP (KPN). In fact I have very good speeds to other USA websites.
See my traceroute to

1 2 ms 1 ms <1 ms proxy []
2 1 ms 3 ms 1 ms proxy2.lan []
3 12 ms 14 ms 10 ms
4 13 ms 13 ms 12 ms []
5 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms
6 12 ms 12 ms 11 ms []
7 12 ms 11 ms 12 ms
8 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms []
9 75 ms 20 ms 20 ms []
10 94 ms 94 ms 94 ms []
11 152 ms 119 ms 120 ms []
12 120 ms 120 ms 120 ms []
13 121 ms 120 ms 120 ms []

Trace completed.

So latency is not too bad, it's just the throughput which is not too good. If you say your bandwith is not filled up at all, maybe the server (win7) is the bottleneck (disk/cpu/duplex setting) ?

And about DNN speed: my web.config includes the DNS name of the SQL-server, I will change it to the IP-address to check if this helps...

And about the other things:
- no server is running at Europe time? (GMT+1) ?
- is it possible to change the root folder for a domain myself? (Now /domainname.tld in my ftp folder is allways the root for that domain)

Thanks for your replies!
I get good speeds from Win7 and all JodoHost servers. I use to have an account with webhost4life and they were much slower compared to JodoHost

I can get 600 to 700kbps at times from my 1mbps connection. Think thats very good
There is absolutely no bottle-neck from our side. Win7 is below capacity and it can burst upto 1gbps if it has to.

I just did a test between Win7 and Win2 (Win2 is the only server on a different network) and I was getting around 6mbps without any issue.

I suggest you contact your ISP to look into it. If you aren't experiencing the desired speeds, there has to be some bottleneck between you and your route to us. But there is nothing on the server