Drupal 6 installation problem



Is anyone successfully running Drupal 6 on a Linux account at JodoHost?

I haven't had much luck. The install first complains about register globals and mbstring. That's fine, I have this in .htaccess to solve that.

php_flag register_globals off
php_value mbstring.http_input pass
php_value mbstring.http_output pass

After configuring the database, it comes back with:

An HTTP error 501 occurred. http://www.<mydomain>.com/install.php?locale=en&profile=default&id=1&op=do

A Google search for "HTTP error 501 occurred" reveals a lot of hits talking about installing Drupal. It seems to be something about mod_security.

I have a virtual server at another host where I could run this site but I was hoping to run it at JodoHost.

Any ideas?

I sent a ticket and it's now fixed. Drupal is working very well.

I think it was this: http://drupal.org/node/320532

Another piece of information for anyone installing Drupal at JodoHost, the default .htaccess file needs to be edited to work properly. The php_value settings must have only one space between php_value and the setting. The standard Drupal file has multiple spaces or tabs to make it look nice but that doesn't work on JodoHost. That's the reason it complains about register.globals and mbstring even though .htaccess is supposed to be setting those correctly. Removing the multiple spaces fixes it.