email from script not working


Is anyone else having problems with their scripts that send emails (notifications to my forum posts) not working?

Nathan said:
Is anyone else having problems with their scripts that send emails (notifications to my forum posts) not working?

I had a problem with jmail but it has since been fixed.
I am still having this problem, both from my own code and from phpBB. It does not seem to like "localhost" as the SMTP server. Earlier this year when I was setting it all up, I was told to use localhost since gave errors (MTA relay error messages, iirc).

What should these scripts be using for the SMTP server on Win5 now since the rebuild?
I still cannot send emails by my scripts (My wwg forums send out post email notifications using CNDTS)

The scripts runs fine, without error, but no email is sent.

I have opened a ticket.

yet another thing to check, I am looking into it. I know some mail is sending, I am logging it temporarily to see if I can catch any reason for it not to go through. (started this morning, partially to catch spammers as well)
I think I actually see your email/s in there, they look to have completed sendinging to the server, I am checking further, if you didn't get them, something went wrong somewhere.