From the thread that xscott made and from my own observations on my mail accounts it looks like we are getting "charged" for traffic for messages that bounce back from our servers. I deleted an email account that was getting a huge number of spam messages. Well in the 3 days that my traffic counters have been reset, it shows 217.9M is email traffic on a domain with only 1 email account set to the default 10M. I know that i didnt fill this mailbox up 20+ time in the last 3 days. This means that my email address that the spammers have is still getting hit and i am getting "charged" for that traffic.
This means that is someone picks any domain on jodohost and starts sending emails to [email protected] that if the doamin did not have a catch all, you would never see the traffic and eventually you could get all of your traffic for the account used up by the spammer to leave us with paying for the bandwidth that we actually use?
This does not seem fair that a spammer can effectively eat all of my traffic for the month and I never see any indication that it was happening until I get a larger bill from jodohost about additional traffic usage over my limit.
This means that is someone picks any domain on jodohost and starts sending emails to [email protected] that if the doamin did not have a catch all, you would never see the traffic and eventually you could get all of your traffic for the account used up by the spammer to leave us with paying for the bandwidth that we actually use?
This does not seem fair that a spammer can effectively eat all of my traffic for the month and I never see any indication that it was happening until I get a larger bill from jodohost about additional traffic usage over my limit.