Enterprise Manager


I have a web-server with MS sql 2000 server installed. Right now I logon to my web-server when I have to work on my database.

Is there any way I can get a shortcut to enterprise manager, on my dekstop, so I don't have to logon to my web-server???

I have the I have the installation disk for MS sql 2000 server.
ok with install cd, put ti in and run isntaller, it may say it doesnt work on desktop os.... ignroe it and continue, install Client tools only, then you will have EM on desktop :)

Also then run SP4 just for the patches it will add, makes it much faster(EM)
BTW, I'm not sure how long this has been available but there is now Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express which can be downloaded for free.

Even though it is for SQL 2005 Express, it seems to be the same Management Studio you get for the other versions but without the enterprise features. The missing stuff is no use to you on Jodo anyway with the possible exception of Integration Services.

I've tried it and it works just fine for maintaining a SQL 2000 database on Jodo. Its nicer than the old Enterprise Manager and the database list appears quickly (i.e. no need for any service pack).

When I try to run the installation I get this error "Internal Error - Contact Microsoft Technical Support" and then the installation stops.


UPS, forgot to try disk 2 and it is working.

A second question.

In my search to find an answer to my first question I found a SQL web access setup fil on Microsoft.com
Do any of you know how it works and is it any good?
Honestly it doesnt work to well, the SQL web data admin I ihnk you are speaking of? We tried it once.

When we go all out with SQL 2005 I have some plans in store :)
What if a friend should have access to his database on my databaseserver how do I do that without him downloading my hole s installation cd.