Error Type:Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid ProgID

I am new to ASP .I am geeting the error. Please Help me.

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:
/shah/wap_ASPMail.asp, line 24

My code is

<%@ Language="VbScript"%>
<%If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then%>
<BODY bgcolor="#c0c0c0" Background="">
<p Align="center"><Font Face="Arial, geneva" size="5"> Email Form</Font></p>
Dim SenderEmail
Dim Subject
Dim Recipient
Dim CC
Dim Body

SenderEmail = Request.Form("from")
Recipient = Request.Form("to")
Recipient = Request.Form("to")
CC = Request.Form("cc")
Subject = Request.Form ("subject")
Body = Request.Form("message")

Set ASPMail = Server.CreateObject ("ASPMail.SMTPsvg")
ASPMail.RemoteHost = ""
ASPMail.FromAddress = Senderemail
ASPMail.Subject = Subject
ASPMail.AddRecipient Recipient

If CC <> "" Then
End If

' 1 - Highest priority (Urgent)
' 3 - Normal
' 5 - Lowest
ASPMail.Priority = 1

ASPMail.AltBody = Body

' Send it...
<Font Face="Arial, geneva" size="3">Your email has been sent to<%=Recipient%><BR>
<Form Method="Post" Action="wap_ASPMail.asp">
<Table bgcolor="#c0c0c0" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="638" Align="Center">
<td width="80">
<font size="2"><b>From:</b></font>
<font size="2"><INPUT TYPE="TEXTBOX" NAME="from" size="73" value="Enter your own email"></font>
<td width="80">
<font size="2"><b>To:</b></font>
<font size="2"><INPUT TYPE="TEXTBOX" NAME="to" size="73" Value="Yours [email protected]"></font>
<font size="2"><b>Cc:</b></font>
<font size="2"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cc" size="73"></font>

<font size="2"><b>Subject:</b></font>
<font size="2"><INPUT TYPE="TEXTBOX" NAME="subject" maxlength="255" size="73" VALUE="Please enter your own email subject"></font>

<Table bgcolor=#c0c0c0 border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="638" Align="Center">
<td width="100%">
<TEXTAREA cols="74" rows="17" name="message" wrap=virtual></textarea>
<Center><Input type="Submit" Value="[ Send ]"></Center>
<%End IF%>

Any suggetion will be appreatiated
shahzebr said:
I am new to ASP .I am geeting the error. Please Help me.

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:
/shah/wap_ASPMail.asp, line 24

It's the line when you create the ASPMail object. It might be because the component might not be installed. Submit a ticket saying you can't create the ASPMail object.
Well then , how can i install this component and does it require any configuration. please help me out.
As mere users, we cannot install components such as ASPMail onto the servers. Logan is suggesting that you submit a trouble ticket in your control panel. The JodoHost support staff should be able to either install the component if it truly is not installed or repair it or at least point you in the right direction.

Good luck.