Failed to add autoresponder


my new client wants to add an autoresponder for his email but failed to do so.

I sent a ticket to Customer Support and got a reply saying that jodohost is not offering autoresponder service anymore now, so I can't add it.

Reason said is " Due to spam complains we have stopped Auto responder"

Since when do you stop ?

Is there announcement in this forum saying that jodohost is not offering autoresponder anymore? 'coz I cant find any...

My other clients are still able to add autoresponder without any problem.

If the reason you stopped the autoresponder because of spam complaints, then Why would you let old clients have the autoresponder service but stop offering this service to new clients (with a new cp ) ?

It doesn't make any sense...
Auto responder has been gone for more than 2.5 years. No one can create a new autorepsponder, and one should evaluate if they really should do so from the mail server, they are unpersonalized, dirty means to add an 'auto reply', auto responders handled by an email handling system like supportcenter, cerberus, or other helpdesk softwares are much better and allow a proper analysis of the content and give a personalized reply.