Fastest way to receive e-mail?


Hi! Would disabling dspam be the fastest way to receive an e-mail ASAP? As soon as is sent by the sender?

Are there any other solutions?

Thank you very much!
Hrm, I get mail in less than 1 second even through dspam, from most sources. But really there is no guarantee of delivery with email, there can be problems at the source, or destination to slow at any point. I know i can mail from hotmail and sometimes it is instant, and a few minutes later it takes 5 minutes, sending to multiple destinations so its not a destination server side. I have seen the same at other places I am just using that as an example.
There are so many factors involved in the sending of a message, especially ones you can't control, that trying to "speed it up" is futile. How large is the message? Any attachments? How many hops must the various packets make between destinations? What are the configurations of the sending and receiving servers? What mail server software is being used, and what is its settings? What is the load on the network at the time the message is sent? What is the moon phase and population of Papau New Guinea?

OK, that last one doesn't matter, but I'm sure I'm missing many other things. The more you know about how email works, it almost becomes a wonder that we get any messages at all! 8o
Well I'm asking because I can see a 3 minutes delay on the headers all thru hops on the dspam system.

Is there a way to disable dspam just for one particular e-mail account?
You can't have dspam disabled for an email account, however you can have it disabled for the whole domain. A support ticket with domain name is all it needs.