Folder ownership problem in Joomla


I often get a problem with folder ownership in newly installed Joomla components and templates. I try to change folder permissions using FTP and get the error message "operation not permitted". The Jodohost support is excellent and they help me to get folder ownership if I need it urgently. Sometimes the folder ownership is corrected automatically in 24 hours, but not always. I have another host where this is not a problem and it can be quite annoying when I need to finish or change a web fast. Why is this a problem in Jodohost and is there anything I can do to fix the problem myself? Is this a problem Jodohost is looking into, or will it exist for quite some time?

Thanks for your reply.
It is not a problem with Jodohost, but the way PHP works here and at your other host. They are probably running it in a CGI mode thus PHP runs as your user. Here it runs under webserver privileges and thus you can't modify files created under webserer user. Hsphere 3.1 will have fastcgi support(currently under development).
As soon as we get there, we will probably go for fastcgi and you will not have this issue anymore.
There is a pretty simple workaround in Joomla for this issue.

Install the JoomlaXplorer Component in the Joomla Administration and you can change permissions with this for the folders which have been created under Joomla. The reason this happens is that Joomla creates folders as httpd user instead of your regular user, but with the JoomlaXplorer you become the httpd user again and can change file and folder permissions directly under Joomla.

Hope this helps.