I'm not exactly sure what's going on here.. You named the file formail.asp, but it's a PHP script. I suppose you could add the .asp extension to be handled by PHP via the control panel, but still...
The script seems to be executing, because it's redirecting you to the result page, so I'll assume that's what you did.
From what I can see, the various fields in your HTML form don't have the proper names.
_recipients should be
from should be
email should be
email_from and
_subject should be
subject. I think it might start working when you change those
Using a mailform script such as this one is a bad idea by the way. The recipient of the mail is specified in the HTML form and no validation is being done on that in the script itself, which means basically anyone can use your mailform script to send spam to anyone they please (which I doubt JodoHost would appreciate).
The script seems to have support built in for referrer checking, but that won't stop anybody that knows what he's doing from abusing the form either.
Also, ASP or PHP scripts don't need to be (and shouldn't be) in your cgi-bin directory.