Gmail invites (links)


Gmail Invite Links Posted 6+ for free

I posted all of my gmail invites on my site, so swing by my site and get your own gmail email address. Just click on my link and then click free gmail invites. Please only take one and enjoy!
Are you joking or are you being serious? Gmail is an email service by google that offers 1,000mb of storage and to sign up for it someone has to invite you.
anyone please sent me a gmail invite

i have been looking for a gmail invite for days please if you have any feel free to give me would save me a lot of time from having to look for one...every spare moment

my email:
-thanks :)
ery101 said:
Are you joking or are you being serious? Gmail is an email service by google that offers 1,000mb of storage and to sign up for it someone has to invite you.

Ah. So it's got nothing to do with pastrami. :)
Gmail + Orkut invites

Hi ,
I am giving free gmail and orkut invitations.if u or anyone else wants to get then come to my site.There are lots of other cool stuff as well like cricket stuff, wallpapers, rare English classic song collection, islamic collection, cooking recipies, funny videos and files, websms,greetings, classic movie themes, games and lots more.

So hurry up and claim your Orkut or Gmail invitations.The site is: