

I have run into this thing that might help reducing the spam ammount on the mail servers.

How does this work?

A sends an email.
The server receives it and tells it back: "Please, resend the message in 5 minutes, I am busy now doing my homework". But the server register the email address, the SMTP server and the originiating IP.
If A is a spammer, most likely (95%) won't send the mail again. If not, the message will come back.
Next time A will send an email, it will go through as it is "whitelisted".

The product is already implemented for most of the mail servers.

It would be great to have some feedback from JodoHost on that.
That actually causes listings at many anti spam lists :(
It is nothing new, it is called a Challenge Response
because it generates a large quantity of return mail, and anti spam services see it as spam.