Help Desk Header Image

you should totally change the help desk header image to a cool jodohost logo or something.. instead of the cerebrus header image.
oh well :( that is silly

but since the image address is @ couldnt you just change the image and not change the actual setting?
Couldn't you do something flash and load different images based on the url in the address bar?? That way you could customise it for Resellers
I could not help noticing this thread. I have a Cerberus header customized for both my support-center as well as gui. Take a look at and to get an idea. This is easily effected and is within the license agreement. The people at Cerberus are really open about these things.

I believe in a minimalist header to project a simple image/identity as flashy stuff only slows things and consumes bandwidth with little tangible benefits. After all visitors are already customers, and just need a nudge of reminder of the brand identity.

I noticed there is also not enough development on many Cerberus based systems to develop the knowledge base. I have done some but simply lack the motivation as I have but few customers and also rarely need online support. It is kind of different for my customers.

I would be glad to trade some work-time to help JH develop their knowledgebase. :D

Just to add, the ability of Cerberus to 'learn' through this knowledgebase while responding to tickets will in future make life easier for support personnel, especially newcomers.
Did you setup cerberus yourself? If so, any help would be appreciated. I, and a few others as well as Stephen have been having trouble gettin our desks running.
Please PM me if you can help.

Yeah, I thought so to. Do you think we have an answer for it now then? Not had time to speak to you in a while Stephen.
What about the Xsp. Any updates on that.
I did send you an email a while ago, with no reply.

Oh, I did not get the email, it probably got lost with all the ticket copies,sorry.

No, xSP seems to work a bit differently, I will try to look into it once again, but I have been making sure we get new servers up and running this week.
Trouble with parser. Getting it to work was painful. They had defaulted a highly confusing and long filenae, which had to be specified in the cron accurately. This keps getting me off several times.

I also had to contend with the curl libraries producing errors. It was really my fault when I redid the steps to configure the parse before upload and messed up the files. So I ended up with two sets of parser directories being combined and several file incombalities.

The important thingy with the parser section is that it is OS specific. I got the one for the specific FREEBSD version running my services and there was no problem.