Help Needed


I have billing system hosted at Jodo - it is not working after migration. 3 -4 days i can not get orders because order form is not working.
I opened support ticket EFK-60519-312 - and waited many hours for reply then the problems still exists - 5 times tech support at Jodo tell me to try again - i try and the system is not working then wait 12 hours and nothing again- they claim the problem is not at Jodo. OK i contacted the developer of the system - - they claim the problem is in hosting / i completely agree with them/ So - why there is practically no support here - tech support can not solve the problem - don't you have admins at Jodo?
Basicaly the problem is that whmcs can not make outgoing connection to remote server - remote server have necesarry ports enabled.
Then i decided to move the billing system from Jodo to other host - i just tried to login to file manager and zip the domain folder - now file manager is not working. I tried to login to billing system - only works if i check remember me checkbox - i guess sessions are not working on server, billing system have ajax functionality - it is not working too.
I tried to contact live chat - live chat operrator tried to help - but failed
Please tell me how it is possible to do the job with this hosting?
And the worst of all is that there is no sigh the problems will be solved soon.