How many Jodo customers?


Just wondering, how many customers and servers does JodoHost have?

How many customers does jodohost get per month and how many domains has registered?

Just curious and wanted to know health of the company in general :)
Never enough :)

To give you an idea, much more than 1000, but less than 10,000. These are actual paying customers (not domains)

We have just under 20 servers. 13 dual xeons, remaining P4s.

only a small fraction of our customers register domains with us, but well over 1000 domains are registered through

Never need to worry about our financial health. We are a strong, healthy and profit-making host
on a simular part of this converstation.. roughly how may clients do you put on a server.. (roughly)...

this is just any prospective, existing clients we get may ask us.. and we want to be able to say xx amounts roughly....