how to get value of all selected checkbox?


Hello there,

I am using ASP.NET with C# and facing below problem. I am not able to get values of selected checkboxes which are generated dynamically.
Pls have a look at the image attached with the message...

Waiting for your reply....



  • rights_forum.gif
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Try this.

for each cControl in pn1.Controls
If TypeOf cControl Is CheckBox Then
dim cbox as CheckBox = Ctype(cControl, CheckBox)
if cbox.Checked = True Then
end if
End If
next cControl

Richard M.
no C# and they are dynamic written thus something like this:

foreach (ListItem li in CHECKBOXLIST_NAME_HERE.Items)
if (li.selected)
// do whatever here

maybe even surrend the individual loops with a control look like in the previous post

ahh nevermind you cannot reference a control written in a label as you are, the control will NEVER be registered with the page.

To do so you MUST create in code:
HTMLTextBox MyBox = new HTMLTextBox();

and then assign properties then write it to the page. Then you will be abble to reference it from the code behind.

I think and easier way would be to change the way you create your fields.