HSphere 2.4 Patch1 Upgrade


Dated: May 17, 2004

We have taken down the control panel and are upgrading all servers to HSphere 2.4 Patch1. This process may take 20 to 30 minutes to complete
Upgrade has now been completed on all servers. HSphere 2.4 Patch1 has the following fixes:

Bugfixes and Improvements:

- Fixed error with installing packages
- Solved signup problem for reseller's end users
- Fixed bug with editing domain registration prices in hosting plans
- Improved connection to WinBox via SOAP interface by Internal IP
- Added check-up that prevents including deleted plans into reports
- Updated Site Studio icon to the "XPressia" and "XPressia Lite" designs
- Fixed bug with changing plan under reseller when reseller was treated as an end-user
- Added merging of LANG_LIST property from hsphere.properties with the LANG_LIST property from package properties file
- Added possibility to create users under no-billing plans when creating users into H-Sphere by means of CommonUserCreator
- Fixed concurrency issue in XMLManager
- Solved problem with deleting ColdFusion resource
- Fixed problem with inaccessibility of web based payment systems after editing CP URL
- Fixed problem with CVV for Solo credit cards
- Fixed path to the directory which stores custom java classes for H-Sphere packaging
- fixed problem with mail object description improperly displayed under Tomcat
- Fixed the "compiled miva" extension from ',mvc' to '.mvc'

Winbox Bugfixes:

- Fixed bug with creating alias when IP is host header for dedicated IPs (the .NET version)
- Fixed Shared SSL domain creation for dedicated IPs
- Fixed 2.4 Final update bug causing loss of shared SSL feature in virtual hosts on dedicated IPs
- Fixed bug in htaccess with authorization Serv-U accounts
- Fixed problem with creating account resource via SOAP protocol
- Fixed stats service problem which didn't allow restarting and updating H-Sphere service between 1 AM and 6 AM
- Fixed bug related to patching HSphere service with automatic mode setting
- Fixed bug with cs (Cookie) field in the H-Sphere log plugin by writing '+' instead of whitespaces
- Fixed problem with creating new H-Sphere service virtual host during the installation
- Reinforced the end of request handler in the htaccess module in order to fix possible bug of removing sessions with the same ID at the same time that could cause crashes of the htaccess module
After the Patch1 upgrade, it seems that the control panel is not recognising alot of user accounts. If you are a reseller and do a blank search, you'll notice that many of your user accounts may appear missing

They are not actually missing, your customers can log into their control panel just fine. PSOFT is working to fix this