Hsphere upgrade to 3.2 patch1 - Starting Friday, February 27, 2009 at 10:30 EST


APAC Operations
Staff member
We will be upgrade Hsphere on this cluster to version 3.2 Patch1.
Update will start on Friday, February 27, 2009 at 10:30 PM EST (UTC-5).
Control panel will not be available for 5 hours, and individual services may not be available intermittently during this time.

Below are the new features introduced with this upgrade:
* apache2 (for new servers only)
* pdo_mysql (Magento support)
* Ruby on Rails (for new servers only)
* Ability to switch exiting php4 domains on Linux hosting accounts to PHP5.
* SiteStudio to update to version 1.8-15.
* Human signup validation
* Extended functionality of suspending and resuming accounts.
* Web Access Control (for Linux hosting accounts)
Provided possibility to create PayPal payment subscriptions from user control panel
* WebShell 4.4.3 with Web 2.0 driven WebShell Protect Wizard.
* New XP Reloaded design
* FTP Over SSL/TLS for Linux hosting accounts on standard FTP ports ( port 20/21).
* Mail SMS resource: forwarding email to SMS to any number of recipients, without excessive content, with filtering sender addresses and setting the size and number of messages.
* Setting max values for resources directly in Plan Wizard.
Simplified plan wizards
* ExtraPacks: packs of preset bundled resources to be offered to end users
* Hosting resource is made billable in Plan Wizard. Due to this, you can now set independent prices for domain and domain alias resources.
* Now if a customer changes his payment type from Trial to Paid, he is charged for all resources he used during the trial period. Added an option in plan wizard to zero out the customer's balance before changing payment type from Trial to Paid.

Points to note:
1. Custom php variable changes may not work for new hosting accounts.
2. Domain alias is "Hosting Domain Alias" resource in Web Services category.
3. Due to compatibility reason, dspam will no longer be available for mail servers using it.
Based on our experience with Hsphere updates on cluster2, we would like to revise downtime/service unavailability period to 10 hours.
Control panel may be down for most of this time, and other services will be intermittently interrupted for a period of up to an hour during the upgrade process.
Based on our experience with Hsphere updates on cluster2, we would like to revise downtime/service unavailability period to 10 hours.
Control panel may be down for most of this time, and other services will be intermittently interrupted for a period of up to an hour during the upgrade process.
After the upgrade of cluster1 last night we would like to make you aware that we must modify the maintenance window to include a possible 10 hours on the control panel and up to 1 hour on the web servers during the processing.

Windows servers will likely not experience an extensive downtime, but will throw some errors during the updates like asp.net pages trying to download, asp.net pages giving errors, and asp pages loading blank. We will follow these shortly with manual fixes and get them running ASAP after the update modifies them.

The Windows upgrades may continue on for up to 24 hours as it is limited how many we can handle at one time due to the manual interventions needed to correct major problems.

Edit: looks like Tanmaya and I had the same idea at the same time and did not realize we were both posting, since our info is the same yet having slightly different details I will keep both posts.
web3/ns4 is being updated at the moment. Control panel is up right now as well, but may be pulled down for another update at any moment.
mail1 updated. mail3 update in progress.
Please note control panel is up and available.
It will, however, work reliably only for servers already updated.