HSphere XML API Help Needed


Looking for someone to help code the HSphere XML API signupUser function. I have figured it how it works, and have a good working sample of a DomainServices feature, but, due to my lack of skills with SOAP:Lite, have roblems completing the connection to the signupUser class needed to make custom signup scripts into HSphere.

Anyone interested in helping, for the script, or for a fee? Email me at thdrought@geonetworking.com. Documentation can be located at http://www.psoft.net/HSdocumentation/customization/user_signup_customization.html .
largerabbit said:
Hi there,

Are you having problems generating an authtoken? Or forming the request to signup a new user?

I have the authtoken working good. Can make calls to the checkUser and signupUser classes. I have a good working script for checkUser too. But, I am getting this message when making the call to signupUser:

soapenv:Server.userException java.lang.NullPointerException

Any ideas? Do you have it working?
when trying a few things out i also have seen this messge a few times.

and s said in the other thread. ive not looked at soap at all.... and haven't touched perl in my life.
I only see that error when I have passed a bad authtoken to the service I am calling.

I currently don't use the signup methods, just use the api to retrieve disk space/transfer etc. I will have a play later this week.
Large rabbit what language are you using to use the API?

because we have only got it working in perl(CGI).

i think everyone is looking to see what languages are being used .. I know i am
largerabbit said:
I only see that error when I have passed a bad authtoken to the service I am calling.
I located the problem. It is caused whenever you fail to pass a piece a information.

Too bad the API instructions are so poorly written.
I will pay anyone $200.00 to get a successful signup via the HSphere XML API using ColdFusion via my server. Please help! I enabled the API per the instructions and I can view a list of available sources from http://(my host):8180/psoft/servlet/AxisServlet but when I click on any of the wsdl links I get the following message
"HTTP Status 404 - Psoft/servlet/services/PGPServices
type Status report.
The requested resource (/psoft/servlet/services/PGPServices) is not available."
#1.) I don't know if this is error normal or not. I restarted HSPhere as well.
#2.) I'm new to XML. I've been made attempts using CFHTTP, CFXML, CFINVOKE, and the CF custom tag CFX_SOAP (available at CFDEV.com) but no luck.
I just need some help.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to assist me. Again, get it to work and I will paypal you $200.00
ive got asp working with the xml api quite well, the only issue /; one i have tried un sucessfullky is the sign up one, i get an error that im not sure to solve, and no one seems to know the issue, and hsphere aren't helping at all.