In need of a new router

Hey guys...
First post here, i found this forum off a google search :p

Basically, the problem that I'm having is that i find that my family is using up all the bandwith that my ISP provides (60 gb).

Infact, we usually always go over and upgrading to the next available package is almost 25$ more (already paying 50) =.="

So what i'm looking to buy is a router that I can assign a set amount of bandwith to each ip/ mac address. Or something that I can prevent the extensive usuage.

If this isnt clear, please post and i'll clarify :)

May be you need a upgraded router You can try this WAG160N by linksys CISCO it has

Access Controls for Parents
Of growing concern for parents is the amount and type of Internet access their families have. The Wireless-N ADSL2+ Modem-Router can help. Parents can create policies for each PC in the house, to control access by time and day, specific website, keyword, protocols, or applications.

For each PC in the house:
Specify Internet availability by time and day of the week
Block specific websites by web address or categories keyword
Block specific Internet protocols like FTP, POP3, IMAP, or SMTP
Block specific applications, like online games, by communication ports used