Incremental Charges/Policy Changes.... price list?


I have been a long time customer and it seems that lately there are a variety of "new policies" that we only find out about when we are in a jam.

For example, sub ftp accounts have always been free and when I just asked for one was tld there is now a 0.50 charge permonth. I've seen others talk about how they aresetting up new sites, but gettin assigned to old servers and having to pay fees to get switched even though it is a new site.

Is there an official price list of what all the potential charges we might face are? Is there anyway to be notified whenever that changes so that we can change our assumptions and what we tell our end customers?

Otherwise it creates a situation where we owe you and can't collect, as well as we don't even know what we might get charged for.

In conversations with other resellers, this seems to be a consistent point of concern.

Would appreciate your help!
hello there is only free for the first 3 as they are manually prepared accounts and we have had some wanting 40+ accounts made etc(for example)
The charge however is not .50 per month, it is just a $2 one time charge per account after the firt 3. We don't have a setup really to charge such .50 fee manually each month, nor would we want to :)
FTP accounts cost $0.50/mo for Resellers, $1/mo for Shared Customers.
Existing Customers that are signed up on Cluster1 pay a $2 flat setup fee for a new FTP account (reseller or shared). No re-occuring fee.