Indexes during dev?


I have a Wordpress site I'm working on and I've set a temp static page as index.htm and that is set in the control panel under "indexes."

However, I CANNOT hit the Wordpress home page at /index.php when I type in the full URL. Any time I try that, it simply loads the index.htm page instead.

I've cleared cache, used different computers. Seems like typing in the full URL to a specific page would load that page.

Any ideas?
that sounds odd, it is windows or linux? if linux, it maybe htaccess redirecting?
I believe it has to do with Wordpress being in the root and the pages not really being static pages. I think I've figured out how to deal with it as part of Wordpress. Just had to create a new page and set a template with no navigation and set it as the "front" page in Wordpress.

Really still getting familiar with how it works in the Jodo environment.