Installing Community Server



I'm trying to comfigure my MSSQL database to run Community Server 2008 but I'm getting errors when the database script tries to add some database roles. I alreay have dbo rights on the database but I need something more in order to add roles. Can somebody help?

I opened a ticket but I cannot see it on my tickets list.
I also opened another ticket a few days ago and it seems to have been taken care of but I still cannot see it on the open tickets list. I complained about this about a year ago and I'm still having the problem.
You shoul not have any problem running/using Community Server, I have installed it in the past without issue.
Have you installed Community Server 2008 for ASP.NET 2.0?

I don't think you have since it uses the new membership profiles on ASP.NET 2.0 which requires the addition of database roles.

This is the same script that you run to create the state database for session state, profile/membership providers/web parts/WWF/etc. so if ASP.NET 2.0 is supported we must be able to setup that database.
I am running/testing CS 2008 on the following JodoHost domains.
(using two MSSQL servers: MSSQL10 & MSSQL11)

I've had no difficulties installing the DB.
Then it must be a issue with MSSQL3 or probably just my account, I don't have permission to call sp_addrole, unless it's been fixed since then, I haven't tried again in a few days, will try again tonight.

I also still haven't got a response from support and still canot see my tickets on the reseller help desk. Last time I checked was a few days ago, will check again later on today.
You need DBO permissions for sure :)

If you are having trouble seeing your tickets you can always do it via email to resellersupport .AT.
You need DBO permissions for sure :)

If you are having trouble seeing your tickets you can always do it via email to resellersupport .AT.

As you can see from my original post, I already have dbo rights for my database, however I'm lacking permission to execute sp_addrole, at least that was the issue last time I tried, will try again in a little while...
We don't give any higher than DBO nor have I ever seen it needed, DNN also adds roles without a problem and uses many of them :)
We don't give any higher than DBO nor have I ever seen it needed, DNN also adds roles without a problem and uses many of them :)

I didn't asked for for a role higher than dbo, I was asking for EXECUTE permission on the sp_addrole stored proc, and it looks like I got it now since it just ran the setup script successfully, but when I opened this thread I didn't had that permission, I even checked everyday for the first 3 days.

Being DBO of a database doesn't grant you rights to call objects on the Master database such as sp_addrole. I know for a fact that you guys have undiscriminatedly denied us access to a bunch of objects on the master database until someone has a problem because I've had this problem before with other objects. That's no a bad thing, it's actually the safe thing to do if you're not on expert and know which procs are safe and which aren't. What bothers me is how slow you guys are at fixing the problem once it's reported.

Since my 1st post I mentioned that I didn't had permissions to add roles so I gave you all the info that you need to fix the problem (not only on the forum but I opened a ticket that provided the specific database and login), but you didn't even checked the permissions and told me that I should have no problems because you've done it in the past but that doesn't mean anything unless you've installed the same version, on the same database, with the same account as I did when I encountered this problem. I tried again after I got your reply and still no permission. I kept trying everyday for about 2 or 3 days but the issue still wasn't fixed. Evidently it was fixed at some point but I wasn't even notified about it and if it were not for gstadter I wouldn't even know about yet.

Fernando Rodriguez, MCPD, MCTS
Professional Enterprise Applications Developer

If you are having trouble seeing your tickets you can always do it via email to resellersupport .AT.

Does that means the helpdesk problem will not be fixed? I've had this problem for over a year, shortly after you guys started using the cerberus software when you guys accidentally broke it for everyone and nobody could see the tickets, it was eventually fixed for some but it's never been fixed for me, and I've complained about it several times since then.

How can I VIEW the tickets throuigh email?

Fernando Rodriguez, MCPD, MCTS
Professional Enterprise Applications Developer

DNN also adds roles without a problem and uses many of them :)

I have never installed DNN on the database/login in question.

Any beginer will tell you that permissions are database and login specific so you cannot tell that DNN would have installed on that database 2 weeks ago.

You need to do your job and check the specific problems reported instead of making irrelevant comments and trying to insinuate that one is making it up.

Fernando Rodriguez, MCPD, MCTS
Professional Enterprise Applications Developer

I have never installed DNN on the database/login in question.

Any beginer will tell you that permissions are database and login specific so you cannot tell that DNN would have installed on that database 2 weeks ago.

You need to do your job and check the specific problems reported instead of making irrelevant comments and trying to insinuate that one is making it up.

Fernando Rodriguez, MCPD, MCTS
Professional Enterprise Applications Developer


No one added such permissions for you, the Community Server works with only DBO permissions, you were not updated or notified about a change before we did nothing to change it. The attitude you are expressing here is not really productive because blaming us is not the answer, we did NOTHING to fix the problem because there was not a problem. sp_addrole will work, DotNetNuke uses it, we have many many DotNetnuke installs that run flawlessly, Community Server uses it and have a number of sites using it as well. I am sorry you had a problem in your install but we did not secret make some change that fixed it for you and I would be lying to say otherwise.
It could have been as simple as a small error in the web.config or simply needing to start with a fresh new database, all have happened in the past.

As for tickets, the issue normally happens because you contact address in hsphere and the ticket system don't sync up and you can't see anything so it is best to send a ticket via email and give the reseller username and email address and we will ensure they are synced up.