Is ther a bug with IE6


I recently started noticing that everytime I attempt to open a javascript popup window from a page on my website, the Internet Explorer window freezes and never open. Is anyone experiencing the same problem?

I have a popup blocker that I have disabled and yet still cannot open any new javascript window on my computer.
Sounds like either bad JS or else you've messed up your IE settings. Is it all pages are just a couple? That'll tell you which is the answer.
problems like this appears after a while if you have changed settings in windows and installed lots of programs.. if possible, I would recommend you to reinstall windows..
Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

Whats the url?
we could check to see if it happens on our pc's also?
I've seen this happen if you have more than one pop-up blocker installed. This situation happened to me exactly with my firewall, Zone Alarm Pro. I had Google blocking pop-ups and ZA blocking them as well. Check to see if your firewall is attempting to block them. Most firewalls have a setting saying something to the effect of "if the pop-up doesn't load in XX seconds." That may be the problem.

Or, you may have unintentionally downloaded something that is giving explorer a problem. Most likely a tracking window running under a generic svchost process. Run AdAware as well as Search & Destory to get rid of it.

I doubt you need to reinstall.
Thanks for the response. I notice I get this problem on any webpage with a js window, once I click on a link which is not a full page but a js link.

I am thinking of reinstalling IE6 with SP2 pack. I dont know whether the problem was with my recent attempt to delete some applications I have not been using on my notebook pc for a while.

OR is there any where I can go in IE to reset my browser settings?

Its really messing up my work on the PC.