I am using cookies on my site and get the following error on one of my pages.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Response.Cookies(...)'
The code causing this is:
Interestingly I have an include on all my pages that also uses cookies but has never thrown an error.
I have tried everything and am at a loss as to what the problem is, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Response.Cookies(...)'
The code causing this is:
Set dbRecSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
dbSQLStr = "SELECT tblMembers.member_name FROM tblMembers WHERE member_name = '" & strUname & "';"
dbRecSet.Open dbSQLStr, dbConStr
If dbRecSet.EOF Then
blnRegOK = True
Set dbRecSet = Nothing
blnRegOK = False
Response.Cookies("TMPCKI")("FormUname").Value = strUname
Response.Cookies("TMPCKI")("FormEmail").Value = strEmail
Response.Cookies("TMPCKI")("FormEmail2").Value = strEmail2
End If
Interestingly I have an include on all my pages that also uses cookies but has never thrown an error.
If Session("dtmLastVisit") = "" AND Request.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST") <> "" Then
Session("dtmLastVisit") = CDate(Request.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST"))
Response.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST") = CDbl(Now())
Response.Cookies("HMRCKI").Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now())
ElseIf Session("dtmLastVisit") = "" Then
Session("dtmLastVisit") = Now()
End If
If isNumeric(Request.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST")) Then
If CDate(Request.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST")) < DateAdd("n", -5, Now()) Then
Response.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST") = CDbl(Now())
Response.Cookies("HMRCKI").Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now())
End If
Response.Cookies("HMRCKI")("LTVST") = CDbl(Now())
Response.Cookies("HMRCKI").Expires = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Now())
End If
I have tried everything and am at a loss as to what the problem is, any help would be greatly appreciated!