Code Cleric
I was kindof curious if anyone knew the answer to this one. Cause I'm stumped ?( I have some form based email's that I like to provide on my sites, after much frustration I tried a seemingly functional JMail script on one of my other servers. Since I have used it time and time again, I knew that it worked. Once it was on the other server it worked flawlessly. Here's the code...
Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.Sender = request.form("email")
JMail.Subject = "Contact Form"
JMail.AddRecipientex request.form("recip"), "Company Name"
JMail.Body = "Hi this is " & request.form("name") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Phone: " & request.form("phone") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Email: " & request.form("email") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Message: " & request.form("message")
JMail.Priority = 1
JMail.AddHeader "Originating-IP", Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
Now this is the same script that I use on all of my form based email.. Granted it get's slightly modified do to the relevance of the fields. Anywho, I could not get JMail to work on Jodo, when I tried CDonts it worked!? Here's the code...
Dim objCDOMail
Dim strEmailBody
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "Hi this is " & request.form("name") & ""
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "<br><br>" & "Phone: " & request.form("phone") & ""
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "<br><br>" & "Email: " & request.form("email") & ""
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "<br><br>" & "Message: " & request.form("message")
Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDOMail.From = request.form("email")
objCDOMail.To = request.form("recip")
objCDOMail.Subject = "Contact Form"
objCDOMail.Body = strEmailBody
objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0
objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0
objCDOMail.Importance = 2
If anyone can tell my why this is, it would settle some unrest.. Is JMail not supported by Jodo?
Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ServerAddress = ""
JMail.Sender = request.form("email")
JMail.Subject = "Contact Form"
JMail.AddRecipientex request.form("recip"), "Company Name"
JMail.Body = "Hi this is " & request.form("name") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Phone: " & request.form("phone") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Email: " & request.form("email") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Message: " & request.form("message")
JMail.Priority = 1
JMail.AddHeader "Originating-IP", Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
Now this is the same script that I use on all of my form based email.. Granted it get's slightly modified do to the relevance of the fields. Anywho, I could not get JMail to work on Jodo, when I tried CDonts it worked!? Here's the code...
Dim objCDOMail
Dim strEmailBody
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "Hi this is " & request.form("name") & ""
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "<br><br>" & "Phone: " & request.form("phone") & ""
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "<br><br>" & "Email: " & request.form("email") & ""
strEmailBody = strEmailBody & "<br><br>" & "Message: " & request.form("message")
Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDOMail.From = request.form("email")
objCDOMail.To = request.form("recip")
objCDOMail.Subject = "Contact Form"
objCDOMail.Body = strEmailBody
objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0
objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0
objCDOMail.Importance = 2
If anyone can tell my why this is, it would settle some unrest.. Is JMail not supported by Jodo?