Jodohost: Update Forum URL

I'm still receiving forum subscription emails with rather than


vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Site Name / URL / Contact Details

After a fresh installation or upgrade, server or site move it is adviced to walk through these site details setting group to ensure they are up to date.

This is the area where you define your site details.
Forum Name / URL
Contact Details
Privacy / Copyright Links
COPPA Details​
You are not the only one and this is getting very annoying having to change the url in the address bar each time.
Who's keeping track of Yash/Jodohost's TODO List?

This should be added... not necessarily at the highest priority, but nonetheless added.
WebDeveloper said:
Who's keeping track of Yash/Jodohost's TODO List?

This should be added... not necessarily at the highest priority, but nonetheless added.

I'm getting tired of keeping track of all the small things that need to be fixed. It seems that as long as email and the web server is working, everything else is not important and are being ignored that is why I keep posting every once and a while to keep up to date on this although sometimes I have to ask 2 or 3 times before I get an answer.